Welcome to the Isle of Wight Hospitals Website

This website is based on the book The History of the Isle of Wight Hospitals by Dr. E F Laidlaw, and other sources to provide a comprehensive history of the hospitals on the Island.
Dr. Eric Laidlaw provides a series of fascinating snapshots of an important aspect of the Island's history. A comprehensive description of the development of patients, staff and administrators. Coping with epidemics, infection, injury and mental illness against a background of daunting social conditions but nobly assisted by the benevolence of local people of goodwill, is illuminated by the author's affection for his topic.
Echoing throughout this lucid review is the finding that hospitals become obsolete for the demands placed upon them between their planning and official opening. The endless struggle to cope with this problem continues to the present day. Throughout the history of the services, the explosion of medical and nursing skills, development of drugs, ancillary and pathological and radiological services together with the rising expectations of patients and an aging population will ensure that the dilemma continues.
The author has laid down a valuable database to which future managers of health services may refer with profit.
B. Livesey, C.B., F.R.C.S